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Puronics/Ionics Micromax

Puronics Incorporated is a leading water treatment equipment manufacturer headquartered in Livermore, California. For over 60 years, Puronics has helped thousands of consumers by providing them with efficient, high quality water softeners, water conditioners, and drinking water systems for the freshest water possible. Their products condition and purify millions of gallons of water every year.

Puronics Consumer Water Products deliver years of reliable, cost-effective performance. Some of the numerous benefits of the systems are reducing operating expenses, savings on energy, plumbing repairs and general maintenance.

Puronics got its start as the Ionics Consumer Water Products Group in 1947 as a division of Ionics, Incorporated. In 2005, Ionics, Incorporated was acquired by GE Water and Process Technologies. GE spun out the Ionics Consumer Water Group as a separate, independent company in February, 2006. At that time, the Ionics brand name was updated to Puronics.
